2013 Incident #8 11.2.13 1201UTC #0376

February 13, 2013

The whole Coastguard Team was tasked to reports of a large landslide 200 metres west of the entrance to Monmouth beach, Lyme Regis. together with the Coastguard helicopter, that was diverted from a training exercise, it was established that there did not appear to be anyone trapped or missing. The landowners and the local town & district councils attended and closed the beach as the landslide continued throughout the day. The Coastguard remained ‘on scene’ until the incoming tide, meant the slip was inaccessible. The Coastguard would urge all beach users to follow the advice given on the signs, stay well away from the cliffs and check the tidal conditions to avoid being ‘cut off’. Please be careful and do not take any unnecessary risks.


2013 Incident #07 10.02.13 1604UTC#0370

February 10, 2013

The Initial Response Team, the IRT, was tasked to rescue two people cut off by the tide, 750 metres east of the river Char, Charmouth. The incoming spring tide still had three hours until high water and the casualties were trapped out of sight behind a mud slip The RNLI lifeboat was launched to establish a visual contact and to provide an accurate assessment of the scene. Unfortunately the sea state meant that the lifeboat was unable to get to access the beach or to put a crew ashore. With only about 30 minutes of beach remaining for the casualties, it was agreed to scramble the Coastguard Rescue helicopter 106. The helicopter was on scene in 8 minutes from Portland and was able to winch both of the casualties to safety and drop them off at a landing site in Charmouth. The two casualties were cold and shaken but did not require any further medical attention. The Coastguard offered some safety advice about the potential danger of tides especially the ‘spring’ tides which have greatest tidal range and are encountered the week after the new and full moon.


2013 Incident #6 03.02.13 2012UTC #0303

February 4, 2013

The Initial Response Team was tasked to rescue a lost person who had become disorientated whilst returning to Charmouth along the coast path. The exhausted visitor had intended to walk from Charmouth to Golden Cap. He was unable to leave the beach at St Gabriel’s steps because they have been washed away with the recent poor weather. He had continued east to Seatown and decided to return to Charmouth along the coast path at night. The coast path is very difficult underfoot and currently impassable in some locations. He had reached a foot bridge on the path that has been closed, due to the a landslide, without an alternative route indicated. He had endeavourded to retrace his steps and become lost and phoned 999 for help. Fortunately, he had seen one of the signs that mark the length of coast path and he was able to give the Coastguard with a grid reference. The walker was returned to his accommodation without the need for medical attention.

  • Think about the equipment, experience, capabilities and enthusiasm of your party members, taking into account the time of year, the terrain and the nature of the trip – and choose your routes accordingly.
  • Always check the weather and tidal conditions before you set out along beaches and coastal paths. Consider whether you could become cut off and do not take risks.
  • Charge your phone battery! Many accidents occur towards the end of the day when both you and your phone may be low on energy.
  • Eat well before you start out!
  • Leave your route plan including start and finish points, estimated time of return and contact details with an appropriate party
  • If you are able to give some idea of your location i.e a grid reference, please stayclose by, we will find you so much quicker.
  • If you get into difficulty, call 999 and ask for the coastguard. Do not attenpt to self rescue.

SWCP Grid Reference Info Poster_250526ZSEPT12

2013 Incident #5 03.02.13 1341UTC #0295

February 3, 2013

Whilst on a patrol of the local area, checking access points, The Initial Response Team was were sent to Charmouth beach following a 999 call.  Three people were reported as stuck in the mud, up to their waists, in the landslide to the east of the river Char.  On arrival at scene, it was quickly established that the children aged 11 & 13 had managed to free themselves but that their father remained stuck.  Dad had gone to try and  rescue the children himself and had quickly sunk up to his waist only a metre from safe ground.  Two local fossilers had then managed to to pull the father to safety as the mud rescue team mustered.  All were safe and well and able to return home straight away minus three pairs of wellies. 

If you become stuck in mud try to spread your weight as much as possible. If you have a mobile phone call 999 immediately and ask for the Coastguard.  Avoid moving and stay as calm as you can.  Discourage others from attempting to rescue you, since without the proper equipment they could become stuck too.

2013 Incident #4 27.1.13 1308UTC #0216

January 29, 2013

The ‘Initial Response Team’ was asked by Dorset Police to help with the search the area around the Cobb for a missing person. It was thought that the male ‘target’ may have jumped from the Cobb into the sea. Following this ‘negative’ search of the immediate vicinity, an extended search was carried out for the missing person’s car. Checks were also made in the local pubs. Following receipt of more information from the family, the team was stood down as the ‘target’ was suspected of being in Honiton.

2013 Incident #3 25.1.13 1014UTC #0193

January 27, 2013

The Initial Response Team was tasked by Dorset Police to assist with the recovery of a body found on the beach at Seven Rock Point, west of Lyme Regis. Due to the inaccessibility of the location & to reduce the risk to the emergency service personnel, the RNLI were asked to recover the ‘casualty’ to the safety of the harbour by sea. The ‘casualty’ was believed to be the person who was reported as missing the day before.

The coastguard would like to extend its sympathies to the family and friends of the gentleman concerned.




2013 Incident #2 24.1.13 1236UTC #0189

January 26, 2013

The whole coastguard team was asked by Dorset Police to help with the search for a 41-year-old male whose car had been found in Lyme Regis. The man had earlier been reported missing by Wiltshire police who were concerned for his welfare. Following a detailed briefing, the Coastguard organised four teams to carry out a detailed search of the immediate areas to the west of Lyme Regis, including Ware Cliffs, Ware Lane and the Undercliff. The Coastguard also asked for the RNLI inshore lifeboat to carry out a shoreline search between Golden Cap & Charton Bay. The Coastguard helicopter also carried out a search of all the area to the west of Lyme Regis using its high powered cameras and its FLIR, “forward looking infra-red” camera. The coastguard rope rescue team together with the RNLI then carried a detailed search of the Cobb high wall near the ‘Pool’ following reports of a possible sighting.

2013 Incident #1 6.1.13 1112UTC #0030

January 6, 2013

The Initial Response Team, the IRT, was tasked to reports of a landslide between the Golden Cap & St Gabriel’s. On arrival at scene, it was established that about there had been some further ‘slumping’ at high level to a fall that originally occurred in April 2011. There were no reports of anybody being near the landslide when it occurred.
